Autor | wolletest |
Datum | 01.10.2008 11:27 |
Beiträge: | Hallo, auf meiner seite habe ich im header einen banner, den ich gern über die komplette seite hätte. im moment besteht der header ja aus drei teilen. Wie kann ich das ändern, dass ich quasi nur noch einen header habe? LG Wolfgang |
Autor | Scout_GP |
Datum | 02.10.2008 13:41 |
Beiträge: | Hier verstehe ich die Frage nicht, daß Banner ist doch nur einteilig.
Wenn Du das banner zentrieren möchtest, mußt Du das in Deiner entsprechenden theme.php festlegen. Gruß Scout +++ | Scoutweb +++ |
Autor | wolletest |
Datum | 03.10.2008 09:31 |
Beiträge: | Hi, habe befürchtet dass man nicht genau versteht was ich meine ;-) Im header sind ja drei grafiken eingebunden: headermiddlebg.png, headermiddle.png und headertop.png Da aber headertop und headermiddlebg bei mir ohnehin nur schwarze flächen sind, hätte ich diese gerne weg und würde den banner quasi auf die ganze größe stretchen. Ich habe mir die theme.php angesehen, aber leider keinen Plan wie ich dies bewerkstelligen kann. Ich häng hier mal den inhalt dieser datei an. Vielen Dank für Tipps! LG Wolfgang <?php /* * OpenPHPNuke: Great Web Portal System * * Copyright (c) 2001-2008 by * Heinz Hombergs * Stefan Kaletta * Alexander Weber * * This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * See LICENSE for details. * * This software is based on various code found in the internet * See CREDITS for details * If you are an author of a part of opn and not you are not mentioned * SORRY for that ! We respect your rights to your code, so please send * an eMail to we will include you to the CREDITS asap * * * [OPN_COMPILER_FLAG]=[NOCOMPILE] * */ // /////////////////////////////////////// // Autor: DigitalPixel / Flash // // Theme: opn // // Version: 2.4.12 // // www : // // // // nav to dropdown navigation // // // // /////////////////////////////////////// $opnTheme['thename'] = 'wolle'; $opnTheme['image_onlinehelp_edit'] = 'themes/' . $opnTheme['thename'] . '/images/edit.gif'; $opnTheme['image_onlinehelp_info'] = 'themes/' . $opnTheme['thename'] . '/images/help.gif'; $opnTheme['bgcolor1'] = "#FFFFFF"; $opnTheme['bgcolor2'] = "#AAB8C4"; $opnTheme['bgcolor3'] = "red"; $opnTheme['textcolor1'] = "#000000"; // Private $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeR'] = 0; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeRcache'] = ''; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeL'] = 0; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeLcache'] = ''; // this function is call at head part into the engine function themehead () { global $opnConfig, $opnTheme; $opnConfig['module']->InitModule ('themes/wolle', true); if (!isset($opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_dropdownmenu'])) { $opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_dropdownmenu'] = 0; } if (!isset($opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_header'])) { $opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_header'] = 1; } if ($opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_dropdownmenu'] == 1) { include_once (_OPN_ROOT_PATH . _OPN_CLASS_SOURCE_PATH . 'class.dropdown_menu.php'); $opnConfig['opnOutput']->SetJavaScript ('all'); } } function themeheader () { global $opnConfig, $opnTheme; echo '<body>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['permission']->HasRights('themes/wolle',array(_PERM_BOT, _PERM_READ),true)) { OpenWaitBox (); } echo '<div class="themeborder">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_header'] == 1) { if ($opnConfig['permission']->HasRights('themes/wolle',array(_PERM_BOT, _PERM_READ),true)) { echo '<div class="headertop"></div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['site_logo'] == 'blank.gif') { echo $opnConfig['slogan']; } elseif ($opnConfig['site_logo'] != '') { echo '<img src="' . $opnConfig['url_datasave'] . '/logo/'.$opnConfig['site_logo'].'" alt="logo" width="800" height="81" border="0" />' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } elseif ($opnConfig['site_logo'] == '') { echo '<div class="headermiddle"><a href="' . $opnConfig['opn_url'] . '"><img src="' . $opnConfig['opn_url'] . '/themes/' . $opnTheme['thename'] . '/images/headermiddel.png" alt="logo" width="800" height="81" border="0" /></a></div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } echo '<div class="headerdown">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo makenav_box_build(); echo '</div>'._OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>'. _OPN_HTML_NL . _OPN_HTML_NL; } } echo '<table width="100%" class="maintable" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<tr>'. _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_tplblock'] == 0) { if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_lblock'] == 1) { make_box ('left', 'side'); if ( ($opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeL'] == 1) && ($opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeLcache'] != '') ) { echo '<!--beginn menülinks-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<td class="blocklinkscontent">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeLcache']; #<img src="' . $opnConfig['opn_url'] . '/themes/' . $opnTheme['thename'] . '/images/abstandhalter.gif" alt="" width="183" height="1" border="0" /> echo '</td>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<!--ende menülinks-->'. _OPN_HTML_NL; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeLcache'] = ''; } } echo '<!--beginn content-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<td class="blockcentercontent">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_middleblock'] == 1) { make_box ('left', 'middle'); } } else { echo '<td width="100%" valign="top">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_lblock'] == 1) { make_box ('left', 'side'); } if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_middleblock'] == 1) { make_box ('left', 'middle'); } if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_rblock'] == 1) { make_box ('right', 'side'); } } } function themefooter () { global $opnConfig, $opnTheme; if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_tplblock'] == 0) { echo '<br /></td>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<!--ende content-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['opnOption']['show_rblock'] == 1) { make_box ('right', 'side'); if ( ($opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeR'] == 1) && ($opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeRcache'] != '') ) { echo '<!--beginn menürechts-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<td class="blockrechtscontent">'; echo $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeRcache']; #<img src="' . $opnConfig['opn_url'] . '/themes/' . $opnTheme['thename'] . '/images/abstandhalter.gif" alt="" width="183" height="1" border="0" /> echo '</td>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<!--ende menürechts-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL . _OPN_HTML_NL; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeRcache'] = ''; } } } else { echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>' . _OPN_HTML_NL . '</table>' . _OPN_HTML_NL . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<div class="footerbar"></div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<!--beginn footer-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<br /><div class="footer">'; echo $opnConfig['opnOutput']->GetFootMsg(); echo '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<!--ende footer-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL . _OPN_HTML_NL; if ($opnConfig['permission']->HasRights('themes/wolle',array(_PERM_BOT, _PERM_READ),true)) { CloseWaitBox (); } } function makenav_box ($i, $url, $urltext, $urllight, $wechsel, $target, $css, $title) { global $opnConfig; $t = $urllight; $hurl = $url; $opnConfig['cleantext']->OPNformatURL ($hurl); if ($target != 0) { $goout = ' target="_blank"'; } else { $goout = ''; } if ($css == '') { $css = 'button'; } if ($title != '') { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; } else { $title = ''; } $txt = '<div class="buttonspacer"><div class="'.$css.'" id="navid'.$i.'"><a href="'.$hurl.'"'.$title .$goout.'>'.$urltext.'</a></div></div>'._OPN_HTML_NL; return $txt . $wechsel; } function makenav_box_build () { global $opnConfig, $opnTheme; if ( (isset ($opnConfig['theme_nav']) ) && (is_array ($opnConfig['theme_nav']) ) ) { if ($opnConfig['wolle_theme_setting_dropdownmenu'] == 1) { $menu = & new opn_dropdown_menu ('wasweissich'); $ii = 0; foreach ($opnConfig['theme_nav'] as $var) { $max=count($var); for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) { $ii++; if ($var[$i]['img'] != '') { $var[$i]['urltext'] = '<img src="' . $var[$i]['img'] . '" alt="' . $var[$i]['urltext'] . '" />'; } if (!isset ($var[$i]['target']) ) { $var[$i]['target'] = 0; } if (!isset ($var[$i]['css']) ) { $var[$i]['css'] = 'button'; } if (!isset ($var[$i]['title']) ) { $var[$i]['title'] = ''; } $opnConfig['cleantext']->OPNformatURL ($var[$i]['url']); // echo makenav_box ($ii, $var[$i]['url'], $var[$i]['urltext'], $var[$i]['show'], '', $var[$i]['target'], $var[$i]['css'], $var[$i]['title']); $menu->InsertEntry ($var[$i]['menu'], $var[$i]['menu_sub'], $var[$i]['menu_point'], $var[$i]['url']); } } echo $menu->DisplayMenu (); unset ($menu); } else { $ii = 0; foreach ($opnConfig['theme_nav'] as $var) { $max=count($var); for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) { $ii++; if ($var[$i]['img'] != '') { $var[$i]['urltext'] = '<img src="' . $var[$i]['img'] . '" alt="' . $var[$i]['urltext'] . '" />'; } if (!isset ($var[$i]['target']) ) { $var[$i]['target'] = 0; } if (!isset ($var[$i]['css']) ) { $var[$i]['css'] = 'button'; } if (!isset ($var[$i]['title']) ) { $var[$i]['title'] = ''; } echo makenav_box ($ii, $var[$i]['url'], $var[$i]['urltext'], $var[$i]['show'], '', $var[$i]['target'], $var[$i]['css'], $var[$i]['title']); } } } } } function themesidebox ($title, $content) { global $opnTheme, $opnConfig; $txt = ''; themebox_side ($txt, $title, $content, ''); if ($opnConfig['theme_aktuell_sidebox_side'] != 'left') { $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeRcache'] .= $txt; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeR'] = 1; } elseif ($opnConfig['theme_aktuell_sidebox_side'] == 'left') { $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeLcache'] .= $txt; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeL'] = 1; } else { echo $txt; } unset ($txt); } function themebox_output ($txt) { global $opnTheme, $opnConfig; if ( (isset ($opnConfig['theme_aktuell_sidebox_side']) ) && ($opnConfig['theme_aktuell_sidebox_side'] == 'right') ) { $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeR'] = 1; $opnTheme['privat_theme']['writeRcache'] .= $txt; } else { echo $txt; } } function themebox_side (&$txt, $title, $content, $foot = '') { global $opnConfig, $opnTheme; if (!isset($opnConfig['current_sb_themeid'])) { $opnConfig['current_sb_themeid'] = ''; } $idtext = ''; if ($opnConfig['current_sb_themeid'] != '') { $idtext = ' id="'.$opnConfig['current_sb_themeid'].'"'; } if ($opnConfig['theme_aktuell_sidebox_side'] == 'left') { if ($title != '') { $txt .= '<h2 class="themesideboxtitel">' . $title . '</h2>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } $txt .= '<div class="themesideboxtable"' . $idtext . '>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; $txt .= $content._OPN_HTML_NL; if ($foot != '') { $txt .= '<div class="themesideboxfoot">' . $foot . '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } } else { if ($title != '') { $txt .= '<h2 class="themesideboxtitelright">' . $title . '</h2>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } $txt .= '<div class="themesideboxtableright"' . $idtext . '>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; $txt .= $content._OPN_HTML_NL; if ($foot != '') { $txt .= '<div class="themesideboxfootright">' . $foot . '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } } $txt .= '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } function themebox_center (&$txt, $title, $content, $foot = '') { global $opnConfig; if ( (isset ($opnConfig['current_mb_themeid']) ) && ($opnConfig['current_mb_themeid'] != '') ) { $idtext = ' id="' . $opnConfig['current_mb_themeid'] . '"'; } else { $idtext = ''; } if (!isset ($opnConfig['theme_aktuell_centerbox_pos']) ) { $opnConfig['theme_aktuell_centerbox_pos'] = 0; } $txt .= '<div class="themecenterboxtable"' . $idtext . '>'._OPN_HTML_NL; if ($title !='') { $txt .= '<h2 class="themecenterboxtitel">' . $title . '</h2>'._OPN_HTML_NL; } $txt .= $content._OPN_HTML_NL; if ($foot != '') { $txt .= '<div class="themecenterboxfoot">' . $foot . '</div>'._OPN_HTML_NL; } $txt .= '</div>'._OPN_HTML_NL; } function OpenTable (&$txt) { $txt .= '<div class="themeopentable">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } function CloseTable (&$txt) { $txt .= '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } function OpenTable2 (&$txt) { $txt .= '<div class="centertag"><div class="themeopentable2">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } function CloseTable2 (&$txt) { $txt .= '</div></div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } function TableContent (&$content) { $content = '<div class="tablecontent">' . $content . '</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } function OpenWaitBox () { global $opnTheme, $opnConfig; if ($opnConfig['permission']->HasRights('themes/wolle',array(_PERM_BOT, _PERM_READ),true)) { if ($opnConfig['opn_display_fetching_request'] == 1) { echo '<div id="waitDiv" class="progressbar">'._WAITBOX_FETCHINGREQUEST. _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<br /><img src="' . $opnConfig['opn_url'] . '/themes/' . $opnTheme['thename'] . '/images/await.gif" alt="" /><br />' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo _WAITBOX_PLEASEWAIT.'</div>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '<!--' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'var DHTML = (document.getElementById || document.all || document.layers);' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'function ap_getObj(name) {' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'if (document.getElementById) {' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'return document.getElementById(name).style; }' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'else if (document.all) {' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'return document.all["name"].style; }' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'else if (document.layers) {' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'return document.layers["name"]; } }' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'function ap_showWaitMessage(div,flag) {' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'if (!DHTML) return false; var x = ap_getObj(div); x.visibility = (flag) ? "visible":"hidden"' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'if (! document.getElementById) if (document.layers) x.left=280/2; return true; }' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo 'ap_showWaitMessage("waitDiv", 1);' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '//-->' . _OPN_HTML_NL; echo '</script>' . _OPN_HTML_NL; } } } ?> |
Autor | Luke |
Datum | 03.10.2008 13:16 |
Beiträge: | Hi!
Schonmal versucht diese Zeile: echo '' . _OPN_HTML_NL; zu ändern? width="800" auf width="1000" Gruß Luke |
Autor | wolletest |
Datum | 03.10.2008 13:50 |
Beiträge: | Hi, vielen Dank. Hat funktioniert und der banner geht jetzt horizontal über die ganze seite. Kannst du mir vielleicht auch noch erklären, wie ich den headertop wegbekomme, dass der banner auch bis ganz oben reicht? wenn ich nämlich deinfach height von headermiddle anpasse, dann dehnt es sich nach unten aus LG Wolfgang |
Autor | Luke |
Datum | 03.10.2008 18:20 |
Beiträge: | na klar
in der entsprechenden css- Datei (z.b. opn_default.css) folgende Zeile auskommentieren: div.headertop {background:url(images/headertop.gif) repeat-x; width:1000px; height:36px;}
also // vor die Zeile schreiben: // div.headertop {background:url(images/headertop.gif) repeat-x; width:1000px; height:36px;}
Das sollte funktionieren. Gruß Luke |
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Dieser Artikel kommt von: OpenPHPNuke - das Open Source CMS | |